Thursday, March 3, 2022

Hainan eyes creating international community for entrepreneurs

 HAIKOU, November 3. China's Hainan is planning to create an International Business Community to promote an attractive international business climate on the island, reported the Hainan Daily citing the region's International Economic Development Department. 


The community will act as an intermediary between business and the government of Hainan, their representatives will be able to conduct dialogue and openly exchange information at the platforms organized by the organization. The new structure will also facilitate cross-sectoral communication, for which the community of entrepreneurs intends to hold thematic seminars for companies in tourism, high technologies and modern services.


In addition, this organization plans to become a platform for interregional and interstate communication of businesses interested in the construction of Hainan's free trade port. In addition to organizing functions, the organization will also exercise control over the "connecting" various market participants, the publication notes.


The Hainan authorities believe that the world-class business climate in the province is very important, and they consistently create conditions for its development. In October, the island's administration published a plan for 2020-2021 to better  business environment in various ways. In particular, the document highlights the conditions for starting a business, obtaining a permit for construction work, registering property, obtaining loans, taxation, cross-border trade, protecting investors, fulfilling contracts, filing bankruptcy, attracting talent and creating a government that is focused on the provision of services. 


In April 2018, President Xi Jinping said that the Chinese authorities intend to actively involve Hainan in globalization and to draw foreign investors to the island province. By 2050, according to the authorities, the island should become a unique international cluster with an advanced economy, developed tourism, top-notch scientific, technical and financial potential, and modern medicine. The branches of the best universities and offices of the most powerful corporations in the world will be located on the Island of Hainan. 


By 2025, the Chinese government intends to create an "international center for tourism and consumption" on Hainan. In order to do so, the "Eastern Hawaii" with their unique natural landscapes, thick rainforests and great climate will establish a developed network of hotels, which blend perfectly with white sandy beaches stretching along the coastline. The combination of an exotic subtropical nature and a modern eco-friendly infrastructure will boost tourist inflow to the island from the most distant parts of the world. 



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